Midwestern/English Crossover Exemplified in Ted Lasso

Nick and I just finished the final episode of Ted lasso and as a Kansas City native living in London I loved the juxtaposition (and occasional clash) between the two cultures depicted in the show.

I was thinking about Michele Gelfand’s “Rule Breakers Rule Makers” about tight and loose cultures I read last summer, how cultures are shaped and why it affects us. A really interesting read, and it sparked the connection between the Midwest where I was raised, the New York/East coast culture I lived in for four years and the English culture in London where I’ve been living for the past two and a half years. Obviously each individual will have a mixed personal experience of tight and loose cultures based on their location, family dynamics and chosen friends. But there are overarching tendencies it’s fun to see interplay around the world where similar mindsets can be created miles and miles apart.

In the show, it really resonated with me in the final episode where Ted, a character literally inspired by the basketball coach at my local high school, is split between loving two places— always having a piece of your heart split across the cities with the people you love.

Sentimental thoughts on a sentimental show that ended years ago. But after two and a half years in London it really hit home. Whatever home means. ❤️

Would love that direct LHR to MCI flight though 🙏✈️ Go Chiefs! ❤️💛

Venn diagram of Midwestern and English cultures.